ERC Flipping Buffers

On the subject of simple keybinds, here's another one: Are you on IRC? Do you use ERC in Emacs as your client? Well, if so, you're in luck! If you're like me, you probably are in a lot of channels and going through all of your channels can be a little bit of a pain. No, it's not because Emacs is a pain, but flipping through them quickly in the same buffer/window is kinda a drag. So, I have a little function which binds C-' to flip through all open ERC buffers. Here it is:

  ;; Cycle thorugh ERC Buffers
  (defun cycle-erc-buffers ()
    "Cycle through ERC buffers in alphabetical order."
    (let* ((erc-buffers (seq-filter (lambda (buf)
      				    (with-current-buffer buf
      				      (derived-mode-p 'erc-mode)))
      	 (sorted-erc-buffers (sort erc-buffers
      				   (lambda (a b)
      				     (string< (buffer-name a) (buffer-name b)))))
      	 (current-buffer-pos (cl-position (current-buffer) sorted-erc-buffers)))
      (if sorted-erc-buffers
      	 (nth (mod (1+ (or current-buffer-pos -1)) (length sorted-erc-buffers)) sorted-erc-buffers))
        (message "No ERC buffers found."))))

  (global-set-key (kbd "C-'") 'cycle-erc-buffers)

I find it really useful when trying to scan through stuff very quickly. I hope this helps!
