My Universal Keybind

Okay, I'm finally getting around to writing this because so many people have asked me about it: I have a "universal keybind" set. I stole it from Prot, so you can thank him. He uses C-z, last I checked, but I changed it to C-q, and I'll explain why:

So, why C-q? And what the heck are you talking about?

I'm glad you asked! Okay: There's a lot of commands I use in Emacs for org mode and other things which, by default, are kinda all over the place. Why not just put them into one hydra instead? So the ones I use most, I put there and it all starts with the command C-q. It's a lot easier to make your own mnemonic sets this way instead of remembering a ton of stuff. This way, I don't have to use M-x nearly as often because I forgot how to invoke something.

Why C-q in particular? Well, if you're on a QWERTY keyboard, and if you use Caps Lock as your Control (C) key, then lay your pinky on Caps Lock and your next finger goes automatically on Q. At least, mine does. Which makes it really nifty for hitting very, very quickly. So I don't think of something as "C-q". Instead, I think of it more along the lines of "invoke". If you want to make yours something different, then feel free! It is Emacs, after all.

I'm sharing what I have for my hydras but keep in mind, it's always growing and it's always changing! That's right. Sometimes I put something in there that I later on feel could be in a better place, so I rearrange it around a bit, or make a new category and rearrange a bunch of stuff. As you'll see with the code, it's pretty easy to do.

  ;; Global Prefix/Leader Key

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-0
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for 0x0"
    "f" #'0x0-upload-file
    "t" #'0x0-upload-text)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-a
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for gpt/ollama"
    "c" #'ellama-chat
    "g" #'ellama-improve-grammar
    "w" #'ellama-enhance-wording
    "l" #'ellama-make-list
    "t" #'ellama-make-table
    "d" #'ellama-define-word
    "a" #'ellama-code-add

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-b
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for buffers"
    "g" #'switch-to-buffer
    "c" #'clean-buffer-list
    "i" #'ibuffer
    "m" #'buffer-menu)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-c
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for consult"
    "b" #'consult-bookmark
    "m" #'bookmark-set
    "d" #'consult-dir
    "o" #'consult-outline
    "g" #'consult-grep
    "i" #'consult-imenu
    "s" #'consult-notes-search-in-all-notes
    "@" #'consult-mu
    "f" #'consult-denote-find
    "r" #'consult-denote-grep

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-denote
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q d d for Denote"
    "l" #'denote-menu-list-notes
    "f" #'denote-menu-filter
    "k" #'denote-menu-filter-by-keyword
    "c" #'denote-menu-clear-filters
    "-" #'denote-menu-filter-out-keyword
    "s" #'denote-org-extras-link-to-heading

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-d
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for dired/Denote"
    "j" #'dired
    "u" #'my/dired-du
    "s" #'denote-sort-dired
    "d" prefix-buffer-map-denote

    (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-bubble
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q d d for Bubble"
    "e" #'bubble-expand
    "s" #'bubble-shrink

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-e
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for editing"
    "w" #'mark-word
    "s" #'mark-end-of-sentence
    "p" #'mark-paragraph
    "g" #'mark-whole-buffer
    "b" prefix-buffer-map-bubble

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-f
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for fzf"
    "f" #'fzf
    "d" #'fzf-directory

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-i
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for ement/erc"
    "m" #'ement-connect
    "t" #'ement-disconnect
    "z" #'connect-to-znc
    "o" #'erc-occur
    "d" #'disconnect-from-znc

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-j
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for jump"
    "j" #'avy-goto-char-timer
    "i" #'imenu
    "o" #'occur
    "d" #'dired-jump)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-l
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q line"
    "f" #'fixup-whitespace

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-casual
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for casual"
    "a" #'casual-avy-tmenu
    "g" #'casual-agenda-tmenu
    "i" #'casual-ibuffer-tmenu
    "c" #'casual-calc-tmenu
    "n" #'casual-info-tmenu
    "r" #'casual-re-builder-tmenu
    "b" #'casual-bookmarks-tmenu
    "d" #'casual-dired-tmenu
    "e" #'casual-editkit-main-tmenu)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-narrow
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for narrow/widen"
    "n" #'narrow-to-region
    "b" #'org-narrow-to-block
    "e" #'org-narrow-to-element
    "s" #'org-narrow-to-subtree
    "d" #'narrow-to-defun
    "p" #'narrow-to-page
    "w" #'widen)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-m
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for misc/Mark"
    "a" #'accent-menu
    "f" #'follow-mode
    "p" #'pass
    "c" prefix-buffer-map-casual
    "n" prefix-buffer-map-narrow
    "s" #'scroll-lock-mode
    "w" #'world-clock)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-o
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for Org"
    "t" #'org-tags-view
    "a" #'org-archive-subtree
    "i" #'org-time-stamp-inactive
    "d" #'org-time-stamp
    "r" #'org-refile
    "o" #'open-link-at-point-or-minibuffer-with-choice

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-p
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for packages/programming"
    "l" #'list-packages
    "r" #'package-refresh-contents
    "i" #'send-to-idle

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-q
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for org-ql"
    "s" #'org-ql-search
    "r" #'org-ql-refile
    "l" #'org-ql-open-link
    "b" #'org-ql-view-sidebar
    "f" #'org-ql-find
    "v" #'org-ql-view
    "a" #'org-ql-find-in-agenda
    "d" #'org-ql-find-in-org-directory
    "i" #'org-ql-view-recent-items)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-s
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for spelling"
    "o" #'osx-dictionary-search-word-at-point
    "i" #'osx-dictionary-search-input
    "l" #'jinx-languages
    "c" #'jinx-correct
    "t" #'powerthesaurus-transient
    "s" #'dictionary-search)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-t
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for terminals"
    "e" #'eat
    "v" #'multi-vterm)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-u
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for undo"
    "v" #'undo-tree-visualize
    "u" #'undo-tree-undo
    "r" #'undo-tree-redo)

  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-w
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for window/frame"
    "c" #'close-buffer-and-window
  (defvar-keymap prefix-buffer-map-.
    :doc "Prefix map for C-q for consult omni"
    "d" #'consult-omni-dictionary
    "w" #'consult-omni-wikipedia
    "y" #'consult-omni-youtube
    "a" #'consult-omni-apps
    "o" #'consult-omni-org-agenda
    "g" #'consult-omni-grep
    "m" #'consult-omni-multi

  (defvar-keymap prefix-command-q
    :doc "Prefix Map for C-q:"
    "0" prefix-buffer-map-0
    "a" prefix-buffer-map-a
    "b" prefix-buffer-map-b
    "c" prefix-buffer-map-c
    "d" prefix-buffer-map-d
    "e" prefix-buffer-map-e
    "i" prefix-buffer-map-i
    "f" prefix-buffer-map-f
    "g" 'magit-status
    "j" prefix-buffer-map-j
    "h" help-map
    "l" prefix-buffer-map-l
    "m" prefix-buffer-map-m
    "o" prefix-buffer-map-o
    "p" prefix-buffer-map-p
    "q" 'prefix-buffer-map-q
    "s" prefix-buffer-map-s
    "t" prefix-buffer-map-t
    "u" prefix-buffer-map-u
    "w" prefix-buffer-map-w
    "." prefix-buffer-map-.

  (which-key-add-keymap-based-replacements prefix-command-q
    "0" `("0x0" . ,prefix-buffer-map-0)
    "a" `("ollama" . ,prefix-buffer-map-a)
    "b" `("Buffer" . ,prefix-buffer-map-b)
    "c" `("Consult" . ,prefix-buffer-map-c)
    "d" `("Dired/Denote" . ,prefix-buffer-map-d)
    "e" `("Edit" . ,prefix-buffer-map-e)
    "i" `("Ement/ERC" . ,prefix-buffer-map-i)
    "f" `("Fzf" . ,prefix-buffer-map-f)
    "j" `("Jump" . ,prefix-buffer-map-j)
    "h" `("Help Map" . ,help-map)
    "l" `("Line" . ,prefix-buffer-map-l)
    "m" `("Misc" . ,prefix-buffer-map-m)
    "o" `("Org" . ,prefix-buffer-map-o)
    "p" `("Packages/Programming" . ,prefix-buffer-map-p)
    "q" `("Org-ql" . ,prefix-buffer-map-q)
    "s" `("Spelling/Dictionary/Jinx" . ,prefix-buffer-map-s)
    "t" `("Terminals" . ,prefix-buffer-map-t)
    "u" `("Undo Tree" . ,prefix-buffer-map-u)
    "w" `("Window/Buffers" . ,prefix-buffer-map-w)
    "." `("Consult Omni" . ,prefix-buffer-map-.)
    "d d" `("Denote" . ,prefix-buffer-map-denote)
    "m c" `("Casual Menus" . ,prefix-buffer-map-casual)
    ;; "m m" `("Mark" . ,prefix-buffer-map-mark)
    "m n" `("Narrow/Widen" . ,prefix-buffer-map-narrow))

  (keymap-set global-map "C-q" prefix-command-q)

I won't bother to explain what this does because you can figure it out really easily I think. It's just an example set. I hope this helps people. Have fun with it and feel free to ask me anything if you want me to clarify something.
