Posts for: #cli

Using Emacs With Tramp

All my server stuff in Emacs Today, I wanted to tidy up some stuff on my server. I had a ton of photos and videos I wanted to organize on my servers. Also, it was getting a little messy with my old way of doing the directories because I had set it up before I had learned how to do most of the things that I know how to do.
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How I Came to Use Emacs and Other Things

This is the story of how I came to use Emacs and other things I'm tired of repeating myself so I'm writing this down so I don't have to. You're probably only here if you asked me how I came to learn about Emacs and the CLI and other things. Well, this is the story: It begins with a Pandemic. The Pandemic. Yes, that one. I know it's a long time ago now for most people, but that's where it starts.
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