Posts for: #misc

Off to the Uranium Mines!

Another IRC moment in #systemcrafters <trev> oh well [12:42] <alternateved> what's the verdict? [12:43] <SummerEmacs> alternateved: GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!!! 😀 [12:45] <alternateved> :D <SummerEmacs> 👩🏼‍⚖️ <SummerEmacs> off to the uranium mines with him!!! [12:46] <SummerEmacs> ./force trev /join #uraniumminesforlifesentence [12:49] <alternateved> haha [12:50] <SummerEmacs> (defun magnifyTheScreams (magnify (erc-window (#uraniumminesforlifesentence,#systemcrafters)) (100))) [12:51] <SummerEmacs> muahahahaha <SummerEmacs> yes i…learned elisp to commit evil. [12:52] <alternateved> You could setup apheleia <daviwil> lol, SummerEmacs I'm glad you're around regularly again
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Computer Languages List

From an IRC moment in #systemcrafters <SummerEmacs> C: Beautiful, fundamental, elegant <SummerEmacs> C++: twisted, ugly, aberration <SummerEmacs> C#: Abomination, child of hell, evil. <SummerEmacs> Lisp: Elegant, majestic, simpliciy <SummerEmacs> FORTRAN: Cold, statistical, inelegant. <SummerEmacs> COBOL: Crude, old, gnarled. <SummerEmacs> Javascript: Ugly, foul, filthy <SummerEmacs> Haskell: Incomprehensible, powerful, niche <SummerEmacs> Go: Base, mongrel, imposter. <SummerEmacs> Zig: Unknown, power, fledgling <SummerEmacs> Nim: Masquerader, fraud, sham <SummerEmacs> Python: Rigid, useful, practical <SummerEmacs> Rust: Treacherous, fraud, subversive
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Zeus and Prot

After coming home, I started reviewing Prot's progress with the hut this morning. I saw his video post about a pomegranate tree which had mysteriously sprouted. Also, I saw him working like crazy to build this hut. So, after putting some odd links together in my head, I came up with the following screenplay. 🙃 I wrote this really fast so I hope it comes across as okay. Zeus and Prot - A Discussion SCENE: The end of winter, 2023.
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